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Anthony D. Dutoi
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Undergraduate Research Ph.D. Student Postdoctoral

Advertisement Ph.D. Program Admission Requirements How to Apply

The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Program (PCSP) is an inter-disciplinary graduate program that spans multiple departments, including Chemistry and the School of Pharmacy.  The Chemistry Department, where our research group resides, provides the CS (chemical sciences) in PCSP.  For our group, you will be applying to the "Bioanalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry" track. 

Only students who will be awarded a paid teaching assistant (TA) position are admitted to Chemistry Department tracks.  The TA stipend is approximately $22 000/year, and living expenses in Stockton are low.

As in most U.S. universities, the Graduate School of the University of the Pacific provides the administrative framework for several advanced-degree programs.  Please have a look at the webpages of the Chemistry Department (where you will work), the PCSP Program (which awards the Ph.D. degree), and the Graduate School (which handles your application):

Even though you technically submit your application to the Graduate School, along with prospective students from all fields, be assured that your application will be evaluated by the admissions committee directly in the Chemistry Department.  While exploring the websites above, you will notice that each layer has its own standards and procedures; for your purposes, the requirements of the Chemistry Department take precedence over those of PCSP, which take precedence over those of the Graduate School.  The paid teaching component makes our admission standards more stringent, in particular, with regard to English proficiency.

I have summarized the admission requirements and procedures relevant to you under the above tabs “Admission Requirements” and “How to Apply”, respectively.