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Anthony D. Dutoi
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Undergraduate Research Ph.D. Student Postdoctoral

Advertisement Ph.D. Program Admission Requirements How to Apply

I am always looking for highly motivated students with a solid inclination towards math, programming, or both, and an interest in chemical reactions on surfaces or in the condensed phase.  The program can be started in January or August (under some conditions, May).

The projects I have are geared toward handling simulations of large chemical systems. One set of projects is aimed at breaking the exponential bottleneck of large-scale wave-function-based (non-DFT) calculations, for both the ground and excited state.  A newer project that I am joining as a collaborator aims to import the accuracy of existing high-level electronic structure methods into atomistic chemical dynamics simulations.

In order to join the group you must be admitted to the Ph.D. program at the University of the Pacific.  The tabs above give a quick overview of the program, admission requirements, and application procedure.  This is provided in order to guide you through the process as painlessly as possible.  Please take the time to review this information.  If any questions remain, please feel free to contact me (adutoi@pacific.edu), the Chemistry Department chair Jianhua Ren (jren@pacific.edu) or Sonya North in the office for our graduate program (snorth@pacific.edu).