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Anthony D. Dutoi
All rights reserved.

Undergraduate Research Ph.D. Student Postdoctoral

Advertisement Ph.D. Program Admission Requirements How to Apply

We look forward to reviewing your application.  Before beginning the application process, please review the information on deadlines and qualifications under the “Admission Requirements” tab above.  To understand the somewhat convoluted process a little better, please also see the information about the relationship between the Graduate School, the PCSP Program, and the Chemistry Department under the “Ph.D. Program” tab (in summary, rest assured that it is the Chemistry Department that chooses its own graduate students).


There are several ways to get to the application form (from the Chemistry Deparment page, the PCSP page, the Graduate School page). Let me save you some trouble. Your goal is to end up here.  You can start filling out your application now return to it later as your scores and other information become available.

Make sure to apply for the correct semester and track (see below) and indicate your intention to work in the Dutoi group in the Chemistry Department in your personal statement.

Finally, contact me at adutoi@pacific.edu, so that I know to watch for your application in the system.  Please write a short (couple hundred words) description of your background and why you are interested in the project advertised; it will be most convenient if you can include a list of your most important data (grades/marks, GRE, TOEFL, etc.) at the end of this statement.  Any documents you wish to attach to verify your qualifications are welcome but not necessary (unofficial copies also welcome; please use descriptive file names or make one pdf file).

Additional Information

  • Once inside the application system, it will ask you to choose from a list of thousands of possible degree programs at different schools. Type “University in the Pacific” into the top search bar, to automatically filter the results. Then scroll down (almost all the way; note that the refresh lags as you scroll) to “PhD Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences: Bioanalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry”, and make sure also to choose the correct semester for which you intend to apply.
  • I am unsure of exactly where this is indicated, but you are interested in a graduate assistantship (all Ph.D.s in the Chemistry Department are awarded teaching positions, if accepted).
  • If somewhere along the way you see the tuition cost, do not panic. The graduate assistantship covers this, in addition to the stipend discussed under the “Ph.D. Program” tab.