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Anthony D. Dutoi
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Coupled Cluster
X-ray Photoelectron
X-ray Spectroscopy
Electron Dynamics

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This group is dedicated to a fundamental understanding of the nature of electron correlation.

Projects include developing efficient, high-accuracy wavefunction-based methods for large systems, studying the x-ray spectroscopy of solids (static) and isolated molecules (time-resolved), and investigating the fundamentals of correlated electronic dynamics. All of these projects should culminate in better understanding of chemical reactions, including energy and electron transfer, particularly in the condensed phase and at interfaces.

Dr. Anthony D. Dutoi,   Associate Professor of Chemistry



CR 122A
+1-209 - 946 2590
adutoi@pacific.edusend email

Chemistry Department, University of the Pacific
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211, USA

UOP Faculty Profile
Google Scholar (Jan. 2025: H-index = 18)
ResearchGate (not currently maintained)

I grew up in Jefferson City, Missouri, and studied chemistry at Saint Louis University, working with Ronald See and graduating with highest honors. I undertook a year of independent study as a Fulbright Scholar in Göttingen, taking on a research project in vibrational spectroscopy with Peter Botschwina. I obtained my PhD under the supervision of Martin Head-Gordon at the University of California, Berkeley, researching novel approaches to solving the electronic Schrödinger equation for molecules. I took a postdoctoral position with Tamar Seideman at Northwestern University, looking at the electron dynamics underlying high-order harmonic generation. I then moved to Heidelberg, Germany, with a Humboldt Fellowship to research correlated electron dynamics with Lorenz Cederbaum. Since 2012, I have been a professor at the University of the Pacific.